Sunday, May 17, 2020

Current Methods Used By Prisons Essay - 709 Words

Current Methods Used Over the years, prisons have relied on a series of deterrent methods. One popular method used is transferring known gang members to different prisons. When gang members are transferred it is usually in â€Å"higher security institutions† (Viano, n.d, p.176). The goal is to break down gangs by removing and separating key members. In a study of â€Å"the top methods† used in gang deterrence, inmate transfers were utilized â€Å"82.1† percent of the time (Viano, n.d, p. 175). Another, frequently used tool is â€Å"mail† and â€Å"phone monitoring† (Viano, n.d, p. 175). Which, has been a consistent feature for tracking gang activity thus far. For this reason, mail monitoring measures are used â€Å"81.5† percent by prisons and phone monitoring is used â€Å"72.8† percent (Viano, n.d, p.175). The other stats are as follows; â€Å"(72.8%) case dealings, (72.3%) segregation, and (64.1%) displ acing members to different facilities, interrupting communications, and isolating leaders in high security facilities† (Viano, n.d, p.175). Creating a New Plan In my opinion this problem cannot be eliminated, but measures can be taken to correct this issue. To start, I recommend that policy makers enforce anti-gang recruitment rules in all prisons. Which, prohibits gang members from soliciting and pressuring inmates to join. Equally important is, there must be punishments in place for inmates whoShow MoreRelatedCrime, Social Order And Control1385 Words   |  6 PagesReflecting upon the current prison regime in the UK, critically consider arguments and evidence related to the application of criminal justice policy This essay will discuss both prisons and the criminal justice system. 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